I'd like to tell you a little story that happened to me about a year ago. But first, let me introduce myself, my name is John and I am a motivational speaker with extensive knowledge and experience in the area of relationships, sexual intercourse (which includes everything from foreplay up to the "aftermath"), and sexual disorders and problems.
I want to tell you about this one woman I met about 2 years ago. To keep her identity unknown, I'll just call her Mary. I taught a course or two at several universities across the united states. One of the particular courses I was teaching was in regards to the "Sexual Intercourse - Revisted". So moving on, Mary was actually in this course and was fascinated about what I had to say. She came up to me one day and told me she had something "personal" she wanted to talk to me about. She asked me if she could talk to me in private and as a professor, I'm didn't deny her request. I'm sure alot of you reading this is probably thinking...."Ohhh Noo. This can't be good", but I assure you it was very innocent.